Paolo Palatini - Clinica Medica IV University of Padova Italy; Giuseppe Berton - Conegliano General Hospital Department of Cardiology Conegliano Italy
In the recently published study byKragelundet al.,1 fasting insulin, bloodglucose, HbA1c, and microalbuminuria were measured in a large sample of non-diabetic patients with acute myocardialinfarction (AMI) between the second andthe fifth day after admission. All the above markers were associated with global mortality after 7 years of followup at univariable analyses, but only insulin level remained an independent predictor of outcome at multivariable analysis. We believe that the predictive power of albumin excretion (AE) has been overlooked by the authors owing to a series of methodological problems.
European Heart Journal (2005) 26, 1242–1244