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G. Berton, R. Cordiano, R. Palmieri, F. Cucchini,R.DeToni and P. Palatin


Aims Urinary albumin excretion increases during acute myocardial infarction but little is known on the prognostic significance and the pathophysiological mechanisms of microalbuminuria in this clinical setting. The primary aim of the study was to examine whether urinary albumin excretion has predictive power for 1-year mortality after acute myocardial infarction. A secondary objective was to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms of increased urinary albumin in myocardial infarction.

Methods and Results This is a prospective cohort study conducted in three coronary care units (Northeast Italy). Four hundred and thirty-two unselected, consecutively enrolled patients with acute myocardial infarction (66·3± 12·3 years of age) were studied. The incidence of mortality was related to the baseline urinary albumin:creatinine ratio. The best  cut-off  for  total  mortality   approximated   to 50 mg. g—1 on the first  day  after myocardial  infarction, 30 mg. g—1 on the third day, and to 20 mg . g—1 on the seventh day. At multivariable Cox analysis, the albumin:creatinine ratio was the strongest among several independent predictors of mortality (adjusted relative risks: 3·6 (95% CI, 2·1–6·2) on the first day, 4·9 (95% CI, 2·9–8·2) on the third day and 4·0 (95% CI, 2·3–6·8) on the seventh day). Independent determinants of urinary albumin were plasma aldosterone on the first day, and inflammatory markers on the third and seventh days.
Conclusion Urinary albumin assessed in the first week after acute myocardial infarction is a strong prognostic marker for 1-year mortality.


Eur Heart J. 2001; 22: 1466-75


Key Words: acute myocardial infarction, microalbuminuria, albumin:creatinine ratio, aldosterone, inflammatory markers, prognosis




In 1992, a small group of medical researchers and other participants embarked on an project to investigate new clinical factors for heart disease, studying patients with acute coronary syndrome and following them for many years. Today, the observations on the long-term survival after acute coronary syndrome are internationally acknowledged. Main results appears on the most important cardiovascular texts across the world. The study is called “the ABC heart disease study”.
Nel 1992, un piccolo gruppo di medici ricercatori ed altri operatori sanitari, iniziarono un progetto per studiare nuovi fattori clinici della malattia cardiaca, studiando pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta e seguendoli per molti anni. Oggi, ciò che è stato osservato sulla sopravvivenza a lungo temine dopo sindrome coronarica acuta è riconosciuto a livello internazionale. I principali risultati appaiono sui maggiori testi di medicina cardiovascolare in tutto il mondo. Questo progetto è stato chiamato “the ABC heart disease study”.

Autori coordinatori  Campi di interesse



The Mission of the ABC Study on Heart Disease Project is to promote the knowledge on heart disease chiefly based on the long-term follow up of the patients. And to promote citizen health supporting preventive, social, and sport activities.

First 3 years results of the study

Malattia cardiaca e neoplasia: i risultati dei primi 3 anni di studio
Heart disease and neoplasia: first 3 years results of the study

 Risultati Terzo Anno

I risultati del Terzo Anno di lavoro del Progetto regionale



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ABC Heart Disease


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ABC Heart Disease


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Under the patronage of

Conegliano - TV (Italy)        Farra di Soligo (TV)    Comune di Bassano del Grappa    ULSS5 Logo   ULSS7 Logo ULSS2 LogoU.S.ACLI Associazione Amici del Cuore Bassano Amici Riabilitazione Cardiopatici Marostica ARIS onlus logo   E20RUN Conegliano  CRT Cimavilla Running Team - logo

Un ringraziamento per il supporto continuativo dal 2015 ad ABC Study Association

Banca della Marca


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